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Partner-built integrations for Cloudinary

Last updated: Jan-15-2025

Partner-built integrations are Cloudinary integrations that are developed by Cloudinary's partners according to Cloudinary's guidelines and best practices. They are reviewed and verified by the Cloudinary technical team.

Partner-built integrations are not directly maintained by Cloudinary. All support and updates related to these integrations are handled by the relevant partner organization.

Available partner-built integrations

The following partner-built integrations are available:

Community-developed libraries and plugins

In addition to the above partner-built integrations, you may also be interested these community-developed libraries and plugins for developers:





Gatsby Fetch Sources

Gatsby Transformer



Community-developed libraries are developed, tested and maintained by the community. Bug fixes and feature requests should be submitted in the relevant repository.

Build your own Cloudinary integration

Want to develop your own Cloudinary integration? Learn more about building your own integration, including ideas, tips, and useful resources.

Become a Cloudinary integrations technology partner

You've already built your integration and want to become a partner? Learn more about our partner-built integrations program, including guidelines, the review process, and the benefits of verifying your own integration with Cloudinary.

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